On this page you will find a list of the produce companies operating in and around New Jersey. Produce distributors provide all of your fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as some other items. All of these companies should be able to obtain local produce when in-season. Many have dealings with farms around the state. Many of these vendors’ delivery ranges overlap each other, providing you with the ability to shop around. You can also play them off each other in a price competition.

A&J Produce718-589-7877ajproduce.com
ACB Produce973-522-1141no website, calling is
Brubella Inc.732-637-5052brubella.com
Cuttler Produce732-380-0620cuttlerproduce.com
Dandrea Produce856-205-1830dandreaproduce.com
F&S Produce800-886-3316freshcutproduce.com
Fresh Wave F&P856-794-1408consalofamilyfarms.com
Gargiulo Produce908-233-8222gargiuloproduce.com
Guarino Sons Procue856-384-8800guarinosproduce.com
Harvest Droponline onlyharvestdrop.com
J. Ambrogi856-845-0377ambrogifoods.com
Krichmar Produce856-563-0040no website, uses
Facebook, calling is best
Licciardello Bros.609-396-8249no website, calling is
Lucero Produce718-590-9683luceroproduce.com
Mama Mia Produce973-773-9494mamamiaproduce.com
Mellone Produce877-635-5663mellone.com
Mountainside Meat
& Produce
M.V. Silveri and Sons732-818-0107mvsilveri.com
Nardelli Lake View Farms856-447-4000nardellibrosinc.com
Paris Produce609-641-1110parisproduce.com
Plainfield Produce732-248-1234plainfieldproduce.com
Riviera Produce201-227-7105rivieraproduce.com
Seashore Fruit and Produce609-345-3229seashoreeast.com
Tramontano Produce908-753-4944tramontanoproduce.com
Woolco Foods201-716-2700woolcofoods.net
World Fresh Produce609-201-1955worldfreshusa.com
Z-A Produce800-728-7212zaproduce.com